I ultimately have no problem with people believing in what they believe in but I do not think it right to go door to door trying to force people to believe in the same things as you. I just want people to ask questions about why they believe in what they believe.

Jesus was Jewish. The bible was also written like 2000 years ago in a dead language. how do we know that any of this stuff actually happened? How do we know that most of the bible was lost in translation? In 2000 years from now are people going to read a star trek book and think that that is what actually happened in this time? Devout Christians are all like "don't drink" yet Jesus turned water INTO WINE... Like is anyone noticing any flaw in that logic? The bible also never said not to drink the bible said "thou shalt not drink in excess" the religions that follow the bible constantly go against what is actually said. I do not think that any religion is truly justified by what is read in a book. I think that every person should follow their heart not be restricted by their family or culture to believe in one thing. 
4/1/2013 11:26:31 pm

Takes a lot of guts to post this up. Bravo. :)

4/23/2013 02:43:44 am

Damn. I agree with Amna


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