In class we just watched a documentary entitled "Generation Jobless" and it raised some valuable points however more then I think it intended to. Our generation expects too much to be given to them with very minimal work. We can't just expect someone to step aside for us especially if they have put their time and effort into a job, and we shouldn't buy thing we cant afford then complain about debt.

I understand that its hard to get 3-5 years experience. Especially when every job requires 3-5 years experience. However, you need to go out and maybe do some volunteer work to get that experience. You can't just always expect everything to fall down in line for you. You can't just expect everything to come to you and all you have to do is wait. You have to go out there and apply yourself to the situation. Build up your experience while you are younger and aren't as stressed to make money. Just do a bit of everything so that you know what you want to do more clearly. 

The video also talked about how the boomers not stepping down was taking a lot of jobs from new people coming out of university. Now this was kind of ironic when the had a 50 year old women complain about the boomers but not only that I don't think it fair for us to expect someone to step down from something they enjoy doing simply because someone else wants to do it. This person has put their life, their time, their effort into this job I don't think its right for you to simply expect them to leave when they come of age.

There was also a point about the average debt being $27,000 but the way I see it is that if you cant afford something don't buy it. Out of Highschool work for even 2 years at a low end job to make the money so you don't come out of school with a $27,000 debt that you are going to complain about your whole life. Don't rush into things that you aren't ready to do or aren't able to afford. Then after you take out the money don't complain about having to pay it back... you took it for you own reasons of your own free will. Don't make it seem like this loan is an evil thing it brought you through university.

All of this relates back to what i said earlier about the fact that out generation expects things to be handed to them. Our generation is developing into a much less active society. We are less willing to do what needs to be done.
5/26/2013 10:33:19 pm

Well I think the boomers should give up some jobs since they don't need them like just out of university.


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