So for our first year of civic mirror a lot happened. 

To begin the year our tax bill was not passed. This lead to a lot of struggle for welfare and power distribution. I got kicked out of Parliament for speaking our and I voted for the leading party.

Then during our trading seasons there was a lot of backdoor deals that went unnoticed which led to the government being sued successfully. I however got what I needed. I got a mansion to live in and I got a food unit to live. I got additional insurance  security, healthcare, and education to maximize my well-being points. I ended up with 44 well-being points at the end of the trading season.

First off our Prime Minister stepped down and his successor is our new Prime Minister. In our town hall we identified  a lot of problems we had this year. For example there were 34 deaths in out country. at the end of it all 3 court cases were presented. 2 were because of law violations, and one because of contractual violations. 

The 3 cases were presented. I as a lawyer was involved in all 3 cases and I won 2 of the three. The terms were too harsh in one instance but not harsh enough in another. We noticed a lot of flaws in our laws and in our system and the way we work. We realize there are loopholes that need to be find. 

End of year:
I ended the year with 55 well-being points and 12 status points. I completed one objective of my hidden agenda. I ended up making $2134 and finished in the top of our class. We also started a lottery which will be held every Monday.

4/1/2013 11:19:41 pm

At JHSS we haven't finished our first year yet, but you seem to be doing a lot better than me. I own insurance and an apartment building, I have food, shelter, a good deal of cash, but my downfall is education. By the time I requested education (of which I need 2), there was none to be found. And I know I'm not the only one. At this point, I'm going to lose 1 family member at the end of the year. You seem like you really played your cards right, and good job on winning 2 out of 3 court cases.

4/2/2013 03:44:01 am

Thank you Leanne for your congratulations but the fact that you own the insurance and the apartment can be a very good. They can both bring in a lot of cash. I am however curious on how you will loose a family member if you have food and shelter? All you need is a food and a shelter to live throughout the year. The 2 education of which you need is simply so that you gain more well-being points. I hope you do well and I have confidence that you could win with what you have.


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